Friday, February 5, 2010


This being my last, am not going to give any experiences instead ill give an observation. Men do prefer simple women/ladies. Many ladies have been lamenting how men make their lives difficult,but I wonder who is to blame. From my observation, most 'independent' ladies don't know how to carry themselves at the office,at home, in church and social functions. Some carry their education,careers,papers and CV's to their homes,boyfriends and husbands. But most men prefer the simple things,like a woman's natural beauty(without cosmetics),body size,that simple smile,friendly language and the way she carries herself generally. What ladies don't seem to realize is that men want women who will b good wives and mothers to their children no matter how qualified they are. I wish ladies would learn to be professionals at work and ordinary girlfriends/wives in the house. I know that now ladies will say that there are no gentlemen but try to look keenly and you'll realize that there are wise men and the rest who are otherwise. PEACE!!