Thursday, August 12, 2010


Nairobi July 22, 2010 By Naliston Kibuthu

Kenya has emerged third in the list of most corrupt countries in Eastern Africa, this according to the East Africa Bribery Index (EABI) 2010 by Transparency International (TI) - Kenya.

Burundi relinquished Kenya of its initial top position and its revenue authority has been named as the most corrupt institution.

Kenya recorded a slight improvement in the prevalence of corruption, from a rate of 45 per cent in 2009, to 31.9 per cent this year.

Speaking at a press conference, TI Executive Director, Samuel Kimeu said that this year the index had expanded to Rwanda and Burundi.

“EABI has this year used a higher number of respondents from the five East African countries. The number of respondents was selected based on the respective population size,” he said.

Burundi has been ranked at the top position with a corruption prevalence rate of 36.7 per cent while Rwanda is the least corrupt country in the region with a prevalence rate of 6.6 per cent.

The police force has been ranked the most corrupt in Kenya and third in East Africa, with the Ministry of State for Defence, the Nairobi City Council and the Judiciary in Kenya following in that order.

Some of the institutions have exited the 2010 Kenya Aggregate Index, these are the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), and the Ministry of Public Works.

However, the corruption perception in Kenya has not changed for the last three years, according to the index. 90 per cent of Kenyans rated the country as being extremely corrupt.

Speaking at the same function, Assistant Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, Alfred Khang’ati said that previous extreme presidential powers were to blame for the perpetual
state of corruption in Kenya.

“We need a new constitution that contains stronger accountability safeguards and it will serve as the gateway for the much needed institutional reforms aimed at curbing incidents of corruption in the public sector,” he said.

The East Africa Bribery Index is a governance tool developed to measure bribery levels in the private and public sectors in the region.



KNA 00
NAIROBI July 2, 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

A former Mp has today lamented over the deteriorating quality of education in the country.

Speaking today during the launch of Elimu Yetu Coalition (EYC) report Prof. Ruth Oniang’o attributed the low quality education on teacher, pupil ratio which she noted that the number of pupils was too high for the teachers to handle.

“I don’t see how 100 students, in one class with one teacher can access quality education with such congestions” she said

She said that the country was importing labour from other countries as a result of poor education it has been providing
“Quality education will enable our people to become competitive in the world labour market,” she said.

She further added that every child in the country should have access to quality education regardless of their physical, social, economic, cultural, religious& gender or any other status.

She urged the leaders to implement and honor their pledges during and after campaigns.

She also called upon the EYC to partner with the Media citing that they have the power of the pen all Kenyans and to they should include the right to vote in their future report.

Statistics from the report indicate that the sector has been greatly affected by unresolved issues such as post –election violence, drought and the eminent effect of global economic meltdown. This state of affair was blamed on combination of political indifferences, weak domestic policies and the failure of government across the world to tackle deep and persistence inequalities in education.

EYC has been working for the past ten years in education sector in campaigning for the rights to quality basic Education For All (EFA) and monitoring delivery goal of EFA and targets within the framework of Kenya Education Sector Support Program.


Family Planning

KNA 007
Family Planning
Nairobi June 24, 2010 By Naliston Kibuthu

Kenya has been ranked as the leading country in Africa for making progress towards health and development goals, reducing child mortality, lengthening life expectancy and improving the economy.

Speaking at the Kenya Parliamentary Network on Population and Development (KPNPD) meeting on realization of Millenium Development Goals 5 (MDG5) at a Nairobi hotel, Eldoret East MP Margaret Kamar said that the government needs to put up radical measures that would prevent underage and unplanned pregnancies.

She suggested that if such measures are to succeed, higher learning institutions have to be fully involved noting that most unwanted pregnancies are to be found within the college going age bracket.

Kamar also emphasized the need to involve members of parliament in budget making so that they can give financial estimates required in various programmes saying that such a move would help the legislators handle public problems.

Pamela Onduso an official from Pathfinder International of Kenya said that fertility rate remains high at 4.6 births per woman due to the unmet need for family planning leading to more than a million unplanned pregnancies.

Onduso added that there is need to manage population growth for economic growth and to achieve the Vision 2030 goals.

“Family planning is the missing link to achieving these development goals,” said Onduso.

Kenya was an early leader in family planning in Africa, with a program that was comprehensive to reach all communities and had strong political leadership until the mid 1990’s where things started taking an opposite direction.

Ends………..Winnie Ngaluma.

Peace and Security Pact

Peace and Security Pact
Nairobi July 13, 2010 By Naliston Kibuthu

Ministers drawn from seven countries in the framework of the Horn of Africa Initiative (HOAI) have agreed to work together towards attaining sustainable peace and security in the region.

This is part of recommendations made by the HOAI senior officials last year to address the common challenges facing member states.

Speaking today during a meeting convened to approve the recommendations, Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi said that the region is faced by natural and manmade challenges which can be effectively addressed through a joint effort.

The ministers also agreed to ensure compatibility of the Horn projects with national and regional priorities by supporting the transpiration of related regional commitments into national policies, programs and budgets.

In a joint statement signed by other ministers, Kiraitu said that it will be very difficult to develop if states keep on generating refugees as a result of political conflict. He said there is need to find the root cause of the problems.

He added that power shortage has been a hindrance to development and challenged HOAI member states to explore other ways of generating power apart from hydro like wind power and geothermal power.

Kiraitu said generation of enough of power will enhance regional integration and this can only be achieved through co-operation among member-states.

Speaking in the same function the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance, Joseph Kinyua said that Kenya will work together with other HOAI member states to exploit the resources available in the region so as to improve transport, water and energy shortage in the region.

During the meeting, the ministers sent their condolences to the Ugandan government and condemned in the strongest terms the shocking attack on the innocent citizens where many lives were lost.

Two bombs exploded in two entertainment centers in Uganda during the World Cup finals between Spain and Netherlands killing over 70 people and injured several. Al Shabaab militia group in Somalia has claimed responsibility of the bomb explosions.

The Ministers agreed that for the initiative to be effectively implemented, it needs to operate on the principle of common ownership, regional cooperation and aid effectiveness by all seven countries.
The meeting was attended by observers from regional organization of the Inter Regional Organizing Committee (IRCC) and from the donor community

The HOAI member-states are Kenya, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somali and Sudan.



KNA 00
Nairobi Office
JUNE 30TH 2010 BY Naliston Kibuthu

mobile phone related crime will soon go down fo come into action after a bill that has been tabled before the cabinet on implementation of the Data Protection is approved.

The bill will see data collected by operators being used by the police force to investigate fraud, kidnappings and hatespeech perpetration that are mobile phone related crimes.

Although the move comes at a time when there is a high rate of insecurity in the country, Kenyans have however raised concerns over the deadline of the registration of Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) exercise saying that the timeframe given will not allow the mobile operators to capture every information hence reducing insecurity in the country will not be a thing of the past.

According to Nderitu Gachage a tutor at Consolata Institute of Mass Communication the exercise is a right move but there must be a timeframe within which it is to be carried out in order to achieve its intended objective,adding that the deadline should be extended to about six months to enable every individual to register.

Mwangi Githai a newspaper vendor in Koinange street applauds the government’s move in registering the SIM saying that months ago he was a victim after certain people called him demanding for sh. 350,000 or risk being beheaded.

“ I feel that the timeframe should be extended to at least six months so as to allow all people to register as a short timeframe will lead to congestion that will discourage many from registering” He added

But according to Peninah Mwihaki a ticket vendor with Charity Sweepstake the registration will not reduce the insecurity in the country since the mobile operator already have detalied information of every sim holder and nothing has been done.

Further Karani Njoroge a taxi driver on Kijabe street on the other hand feels that the exercise will help curb crime adding this will help increase there income.

Ends..........joyce lutomia

Yes Team Defended Over Claims

Yes Team Defended Over Claims
Nairobi, 16th July 2010 By Naliston Kibuthu

A civil society group today lashed out at the No campaign team for claiming that the US government is rooting for Yes in the forthcoming referendum and has been supporting the Yes team financially.

International Center for Policy and Conflict Executive Director Ndung’u Wanaina said the Yes team has not received any funds from the US government.

Speaking while releasing a report on the proposed constitution, Wanaina challenged the No team to provide evidence to support their claims.

In the past few days the No team lead by High Education Minster William Ruto has been accusing the Yes side of receiving financial support from US government through Ambassador Michael Rannerberger.

On MPs pay hike, Wainaina said that MPs do not deserve salary increment. He said that it is civil servants who promptly pay taxes whose their meager salaries should be increased.

The report analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed constitution and outlines the benefits Kenyans will reap if it is passed at the referendum.

Wainaina said the proposed constitution is a key to introducing crucial institutional, electoral reforms and starting a genuine national process of reconstruction, reconciliation and social cohesion.

“We are on the verge of realizing the fruit of our struggle to democratize our country and we cannot accord those who have erected road blocks to disrupt the completion of the constitutional reforms,’ he said

He added that it is necessary to get a new constitutional dispensation in order to begin in earnest the genuine national restoration and reconciliation.

Wainaina urged Kenyans and international friends to work with the Committee of Experts (CoE) and the Interim Independent Electoral Commission (IIEC) in carrying out effective civic and voter education to ensure productive and peaceful referendum.

The report singled out some of the weaknesses of the proposed law as the retaining of the presidential system though it has check and balances and the limited role of the senate of addressing issues affecting counties and presidential impeachment.

He said that they are working in collaboration with IIEC and CoE to monitor and prevent hate speeches to avoid the recurrence of 2007 post election violence.

Wainaina further urged the religious and political leaders to exercise restraint in their political rhetoric in order to build the necessary bridges for uniting the country towards and after referendum



KNA 009
NAIROBI June 29, 2010 BY Naliston Kibuthu

The Kenyan economy has become a challenge to the common man who depends on low income and hopes to put in place price control measures will be a reprieve to most Kenyans.

A section of Kenyans have expressed optimisms that the re-introduction of the price control bill will improve their living standards but some are against this move which seems to be a joy to many.

In an exclusive interview with the Kenya News agency, Linda Auma a Makongeni resident said “I think this will control the greedy traders who are out to exploit the common wananchi”.

In contrary, Paul Kuria a hawker at Muthurwa said that he is against the price control because he does not find it practical.

“I have to set my own price which will enable me to make profits and also meet daily basic needs,” he added.

Michael Mutua, a fruit vendor said that it is a welcoming move but it should be applied to both perishable and non-perishable products especially fuel price which keep going up.

If the president endorses the bill it might be both advantageous and disadvantageous to the Kenyans.

ENDS……………..Joyce lutomia

Zain Challenge Awards

Zain Challenge Awards
Nairobi July 28, 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu/ Eunice Wanza

The winners of the Zain Africa Challenge were today awarded according to their performances during a ceremony graced by the various participants of the challenge as well as their coaches, the presenters and the school representatives.

Sibi Okumu the host of the show and a renowned teacher said that Kenya has outdone itself this season by acquiring the best positions in the challenge.

“We are extremely talented as Kenyans and very smart, and as soon as one is good in Kenya’s tough competition, the international challenges become easier,” he said.

Among the institutions awarded were Egerton University which held the top position, Nazarene University and Jomo Kenyatta University which held the second and third positions respectively.

The Vice Chancellor Egerton University James Tuitoek said that he was amazed by the outcome since this was the third time that the institution had scooped the best position.

“The challenge is a good way of nurturing the potential in our very own students since it fastens their thinking and at the end they are awarded and encouraged to keep up the good work,” said Tuitoek.

The leading institution Egerton University was awarded a grant of four million shillings, 57 laptops and modems, and their representatives were given a total off 400,000 as grant and Zain airtime.

Nazarene University was awarded two million shillings, 40 laptops and modems, and the participants were awarded a grant of 280,000 shillings and Zain airtime.

Jomo Kenyatta University got a total of two million shillings, 30 laptops and modems and the participants were given a grant of Ksh 200000 each.

The chosen players of the week during last seasons challenge were also awarded 80,000 shillings each and a medal.

the commission of higher education has partnered with Zain to cultivate competitive educational interaction between universities in Africa.

Ends…………edited by Joyce Lutomia

Violence Survivors

Violence Survivors
Nairobi July 15, 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

AON MINET Insurance Broker LTD today donated hospital facilities worth 400,000 shillings to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) to aid in the upkeep of the Patient Support Center which cares for the victims of domestic violence and gives them hope to overcome the stigma caused by their past experiences.

The Patient Support Centre was launched in May 2008 and has offered services to approximately 1800 survivors from different parts of the country, its youngest being a two month victim of sexual violence.

Speaking during the event, Chief Executive Officer KNH Dr, J.N Micheni said that the challenges facing the center included lack of finances to support both the outpatients and inpatient services for the survivors, limited legal presentations, stigma and threats that prevent clients from giving appropriate information as well as safe accommodation for survivors.

“It is in this view that we seek partnership from individuals, corporate institutions and non-governmental organizations from both local and international so as to make this most needed service accessible to the violence survivors,” he added.

Micheni also said that noticing and acknowledging the warning signs and symptoms of domestic violence and abuse is the first step to ending it.

Elizabeth Mukhisa a nurse in the center said that it was not an easy task to deal with the patients, it takes one to be courageous to avoid being affected by the pressure that comes along with the counseling.

“To affectively deal with the patients you need to observe, listen, and remain non judgmental, be survivor friendly and maintain confidentiality,” she said.

The survivors whose names were withheld to avoid future occurrences to them gave their testimonies which ranged from rape cases, battering and other cases of domestic violence that led them to the Patient Support Center for treatment and counseling.

The center offers holistic and comprehensive medical, psychological and psychiatric services to survivors of sexual violence which involves six months counseling, legal assistance and advice for their safety where necessary.

Ends……………….. Edited by Wangari Ndirangu


KNA 005
NAIROBI,JUNE 1ST 2010 BY Naliston Kibuthu

Thousands of Kenyans turned up for this year’s Madaraka Day celebrations at the Nyayo national stadium.

The 30,000 seater stadia was filled to capacity with 5,000 students drawn from 24 secondary schools in Nairobi and dressed in T-shirts symbolizing the four colors of the national flag (red, green, white and black) forming part of the audience.

Outside and within the stadium security was beefed up to ensure that those who attended the 47th Madaraka day celebrations as well as their leaders were fully protected.

President Mwai Kibaki who graced the occasion arrived at the venue of the event at exactly 11.00 am shortly after the Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka had arrived.

Security was intesified,as soon as the president arrived all the gates were closed,the anti riot police surrounded the stadium to ensure the citizens locked out remained calm.

Traffic police officers also ensured a smooth flow of vehicles while other security agents kept patrolling accompanied by police dogs to guarantee security in the city.

All the people attending the fuction had to undergo a search,which was done by the use of a metal detector for them to get a gatepass into the stadium

Ends........... Dave Buchere

Radio Africa

Radio Africa
Nairobi July 14, 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

The Inter Youth League Forum (IPYLF) has today called on the Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Kenneth Marende to lift the two months ban on Radio Africa Media Group from reporting parliament proceedings.

The ban was as a result of alleged demeaning remarks made in reference to the speaker when the station’s morning presenter Caroline Mutoko described, Marende as a ‘fool’ during a discussion on the MP’s pay rise.

Following the ban, journalists of Radio Africa were banned from accessing the press galley, the press centre, parliamentary committees, press conferences at parliament and any part of the precincts of parliament.

Fred Lavati, the Chairperson of Vijana Wote Progressive Group said that Kenyans have freedom of expression and are entitled to express their opinions on issues relating to their country, with parliament being no exception.

“I have carefully studied the transcript of the morning show that was aired on July 6th and found some of the remarks demeaning the integrity of the Parliament and its members,” said Marende during his ruling yesterday.

However the citizens have a different feeling on the ruling most claiming that the media being their watchdog should be let to broadcast facts as they are so that the common ‘mwananchi’ can understand.

Michael Maina a hawker in Nairobi said that had it not been for the discussion on the show it wouldn’t have been easy for him to know what was happening.

“The media is doing a good job but since the ‘big fish’ in our society feel angered by its facts, they use their power to bring them down,” he added.


Consumer confidence

Consumer Confidence
Nairobi July 1, 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

There has been a decline in Consumer confidence in economic growth in the country according to a TNS Research International Company.

Releasing the results of a survey held last month to assess consumer confidence within the country, Melissa Baker the Director of Research at TNS said although half of the respondents in the research on Kenya’s future is positive, it has dropped since March from 59 to 51%

Bakers adds that there has been a significant decline in the confidence of Kenyans living in Coast, Nairobi, Nyanza, Rift Valley and Western provinces in relation to the economy, business conditions, employment, crime and corruption.

She added that there has been a decline in purchasing power of Kenyans since there is a high proportion of respondents who feel that their income is not keeping up with inflation at the moment.

“42 percent of the respondents believe that inflation will increase further in the next six months,” she said.

The decline is mainly caused by deteriorating perception about current and future economic circumstances, business conditions and general pessimisms about the future of Kenya.

According to the survey nearly all Kenyans believe that jobs are hard to find, and this has not changed since a previous survey done in March.

On crime and Corruption the survey says that the overall crime rate slightly reduced over the last three months and is now at 8% compared to 11% in March this year.

“there is no change in the proportion of respondents who have been asked for bribe in the last six months. However, corruption is still high,” Baker said.

The levels or corruption according to the survey is higher among male at 45% than the female respondents who stand at 28%

The Consumer Confidence Index survey was conducted amongst a representative sample of 1,029 Kenyan adults in both urban and rural areas with interviews conducted at their homes

Tracking consumer confidence is an indicator for economic trends regarding the state of economy that is directly reflected in their spending and saving behavior.

Consumer Confidence measurements are done in many countries globally and avidly followed to predict changes in consumer purchasing behaviours

ENDs………….Edited by Wangari Ndirangu



Nairobi June 16, 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

With only 49 days to the referendum the recent bombing during a prayer meeting held by participants of the NO campaigns has led to mixed reactions among Kenyans making some to loose the interest of having a new constitution saying that they are not yet convinced that it will be peaceful.

Irene Wairimu a Nairobi resident thinks that there is a battle going on between the leaders of the different sides which have been spread over to the citizens who end up suffering.

“The leaders have always been deceiving us to fight their battles, leaving us to suffer the consequences,” she said.

She added that it would only be fair to postpone the campaign so that it doesn’t end up in violence because with the current outcomes at Uhuru Park, people are not yet convinced to vote.

Isaac Makori, a shoe shiner in Nairobi said that the shock caused by the bombing has led to unending arguments between the YES and the NO camps since they don’t know who is to blame for the killings and that leads Kenyans to confusion for none of the two teams can now be trusted.

“The IIEC had done a good job of convincing people to take voters cards and to be ready to vote, but the current follow up on the campaigns has made us reflect back to the past election and at the moment, am not sure that I would be part of the decision makers when that day comes, ” Makori said.

Nicholas Mutuku said that the referendum has been facing various challenges but no one expected such outcomes, and he doesn’t know what to expect after the voting if the violence begins this early.

“We would not like to have a situation similar to the one we had during the previous elections and therefore if they do want a positive turn up during this year’s referendum then they should ensure that the lives of innocent Kenyans are well protected by providing security and avoiding hate speeches during the campaigns,” he added.


Kasarani polls

Kasarani polls
Nairobi 4 August 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

In Kasarani constituency, referendum polls kicked off on the right foot with people turning up in large numbers to exercise their right to vote.

By six in the morning, Kasarani primary school polling station was open to the voters majority who said they started queuing by 5.30 am.

Joseph Gachigua who was the first voter in the constituency said that he was at the polling station as early as four in the morning and was upbeat that it would be a peaceful day.

“Since yesterday, I have been seeing police men doing their rounds and they gave us no reason to worry since they have been friendly all through and when I arrived this morning, they courteously gave me instructions,” said Gachigua.

The clerks appeared up to the task and though the early morning queues were long there was flow as voting went on fast and smoothly with a number of citizens going back home five minutes after the official opening time.

Area District Commissioner Evans Mutari said that they had beefed up security in the area to ensure that residents and voters were safe and comfortable during and after the voting exercise.

“We have enough security officers patrolling the whole constituency to ensure that law and order is maintained during the voting and tallying process and even after the final results are announced,” he said.

He said that the residents had no reason to panic and was optimistic that the whole exercise would be smooth, free and fair.

Under the watchful eye of security officers, efficient IIEC staff and peaceful wananchi, Kasarani polls have been running on smoothly with hundreds of voters patiently waiting for their turn to vote.

Ends…………Winnie Ngaluma

KCB Rally

KCB Rally
Nairobi, 27th July 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu

The fifth leg of the KCB Micro Banking Rally will take place this weekend in Nakuru.

This was disclosed today during a press briefing by the chairman of the Kenya Motor Sports Foundation (KMSF) Jim Kahumbura and the sponsors of the event.

Kahumbura said that there are only three rallies left in the 2010 Kenya National Rally Championship (KNRC) calendar and there are over 40 entries anticipated to compete.

“The rally will take place at the Egertons ARC Hotel from 9am to 4pm and will feature five competitive stages with the service part positioned right at the Equator within Mogotio town and the highlight of the competition will be the one kilometer spectator stage next to the service park,” he said.

Head of Micro Banking Simon Kariuki said that apart from exciting spectators and nurturing talent the rally presents a good opportunity for the bank to introduce and sell its products in a fun way.

“KCB has invested a total of Ksh 30 million for the KNRC 2010 and it gets a lot of recognition from it,” he said.

Kariuki added that the KCB Group through the KCB Foundation uses the opportunity to partner with communities within the rallying circuit in elaborate Corporate Social Investments (CSI) programs.

According to the organizers, the remaining events, KCB S&L Mortgages Rally is slated for September in Nairobi while the KCB Asset based finance rally will take place in Mombasa in October and the KCB Guru Nanak Rally also for Nairobi will close off this season in November.


War on graft

War on graft
Nairobi 11 August 2010 by Naliston Kibuthu/ Eunice Wanza

The Nairobi Central Business District Association (NCBDA) and the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) has today called on the newly appointed director of Kenya Anti Corruption Commission (KACC) DR. P.L.O Lumumba to lead in the fight against corruption fearlessly.

NCBDA and AAK said that they have the confidence that Lumumba has the ability and commitment to deal with corruption which is one of the most critical jobs.

The chairman NCBDA Timothy Muriuki said that they have read and learnt more about the new KACC Director through the media, listened to his speeches and statements about how he intends to tackle the corruption monster and that going by his words they expect him to do well.

He added that, businesses know and take cognizance of the fact that environment provided by the new constitution and the opportunity to reap heavily from the new dispensation will not be genuine and real if corruption continues to thrive.

“The NCBDA and indeed the business community would however like to say that we expect action and that we are watching your every move,” Muriuki said.

The AAK Chairman Steven Oundo said that the country has in the past been promised action against the ‘big fish’ but real action must now be taken if the country is to move forward.

“Corruption is widespread, not limited to Anglo Leasing and Goldenberg but when we talk of the built and natural environment, it extends to collapsing buildings, uncontrolled developments and development erected from money laundering proceeds,” Oundo said.

On his side, the Director of KACC P.L.O Lumumba said that he will work towards addressing systemic corridors that promote corruption to demolish and dismantle them and their networks.

He assured the NCBDA and the AAK that he would work fearlessly to make sure that corruption is deal with from the smallest individual to the high and mighty and ensure fairness to all.

“We that breathe the oxygen of ethics must not allow those that breathe the nitrogen of corruption pull back our economic growth and therefore we as the KACC are ready to deal with the issue firmly.” said Lumumba

He further added that the KACC will introduce toll free phone lines that would be used in reporting graft from all over the country so as to make Kenya more transparent and a better place to live in.

The KACC urged all Kenyans to support them in the journey of fighting corruption to win the battle
