Thursday, August 12, 2010

Family Planning

KNA 007
Family Planning
Nairobi June 24, 2010 By Naliston Kibuthu

Kenya has been ranked as the leading country in Africa for making progress towards health and development goals, reducing child mortality, lengthening life expectancy and improving the economy.

Speaking at the Kenya Parliamentary Network on Population and Development (KPNPD) meeting on realization of Millenium Development Goals 5 (MDG5) at a Nairobi hotel, Eldoret East MP Margaret Kamar said that the government needs to put up radical measures that would prevent underage and unplanned pregnancies.

She suggested that if such measures are to succeed, higher learning institutions have to be fully involved noting that most unwanted pregnancies are to be found within the college going age bracket.

Kamar also emphasized the need to involve members of parliament in budget making so that they can give financial estimates required in various programmes saying that such a move would help the legislators handle public problems.

Pamela Onduso an official from Pathfinder International of Kenya said that fertility rate remains high at 4.6 births per woman due to the unmet need for family planning leading to more than a million unplanned pregnancies.

Onduso added that there is need to manage population growth for economic growth and to achieve the Vision 2030 goals.

“Family planning is the missing link to achieving these development goals,” said Onduso.

Kenya was an early leader in family planning in Africa, with a program that was comprehensive to reach all communities and had strong political leadership until the mid 1990’s where things started taking an opposite direction.

Ends………..Winnie Ngaluma.