Thursday, August 12, 2010


KNA 009
NAIROBI June 29, 2010 BY Naliston Kibuthu

The Kenyan economy has become a challenge to the common man who depends on low income and hopes to put in place price control measures will be a reprieve to most Kenyans.

A section of Kenyans have expressed optimisms that the re-introduction of the price control bill will improve their living standards but some are against this move which seems to be a joy to many.

In an exclusive interview with the Kenya News agency, Linda Auma a Makongeni resident said “I think this will control the greedy traders who are out to exploit the common wananchi”.

In contrary, Paul Kuria a hawker at Muthurwa said that he is against the price control because he does not find it practical.

“I have to set my own price which will enable me to make profits and also meet daily basic needs,” he added.

Michael Mutua, a fruit vendor said that it is a welcoming move but it should be applied to both perishable and non-perishable products especially fuel price which keep going up.

If the president endorses the bill it might be both advantageous and disadvantageous to the Kenyans.

ENDS……………..Joyce lutomia