Thursday, August 12, 2010


KNA 00
Nairobi Office
JUNE 30TH 2010 BY Naliston Kibuthu

mobile phone related crime will soon go down fo come into action after a bill that has been tabled before the cabinet on implementation of the Data Protection is approved.

The bill will see data collected by operators being used by the police force to investigate fraud, kidnappings and hatespeech perpetration that are mobile phone related crimes.

Although the move comes at a time when there is a high rate of insecurity in the country, Kenyans have however raised concerns over the deadline of the registration of Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) exercise saying that the timeframe given will not allow the mobile operators to capture every information hence reducing insecurity in the country will not be a thing of the past.

According to Nderitu Gachage a tutor at Consolata Institute of Mass Communication the exercise is a right move but there must be a timeframe within which it is to be carried out in order to achieve its intended objective,adding that the deadline should be extended to about six months to enable every individual to register.

Mwangi Githai a newspaper vendor in Koinange street applauds the government’s move in registering the SIM saying that months ago he was a victim after certain people called him demanding for sh. 350,000 or risk being beheaded.

“ I feel that the timeframe should be extended to at least six months so as to allow all people to register as a short timeframe will lead to congestion that will discourage many from registering” He added

But according to Peninah Mwihaki a ticket vendor with Charity Sweepstake the registration will not reduce the insecurity in the country since the mobile operator already have detalied information of every sim holder and nothing has been done.

Further Karani Njoroge a taxi driver on Kijabe street on the other hand feels that the exercise will help curb crime adding this will help increase there income.

Ends..........joyce lutomia